Thursday, May 22, 2008


Too many Why's are ringing,
Bringing with itself, questions worth fathoming..

It was easy before,
For life was like a folklore..

As a child this world was brimming with promise,
Making each moment, a moment without care..
For their was no race in which I had to fare.

Then something inevitable happened,
I graduated ...
From the simplicity of childhood,
Embarking upon the complexities of adulthood.

Each day was a challenge
Looked upon with equal disgust and fight
Fought hard , fought fare, fought a losing battle in my own right
Fought even when the promise of tomorrow was not so bright..

Now I stand at a reflecting square
Pondering upon the phenomenon which is not so rare..
The more I think, the more I am filled with disgust..
Now comes the time to ask and let not the questions rust
The why's, The How's, The What's, the answers to which are a must...

I wanna ask what is my purpose?
Without which I am like an insignificant locus...
Being there as a part of a system..
Living a life without any focus...

Living, Procreating and Dying
Is it all which constitutes life?
Or is it more, beyond my incomprehensible mind

Why is is that in me I have so many Why?
Is the promise in a child, just a lie.

What is success which I am aimlessly pursuing
Or for that matter Do I even know what am I aiming

What is the difference between good and evil?
Why to explain it, there always has to be devil

What is right and wrong
The difference for which I long

If nothing else then can I ask only this..
The meaning of happiness is what I always miss

What should I do that would make life meaningful
I ask you Lord
Was all this a mistake
And now you have turned around and have no take

After a moment of silence this is what I hear
Yes a mistake is what I have done, I fear
I send such an ungrateful midget who now I have to rear

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