Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good Friday (21st March 2008, KMC : Koramangala Methodist Church) : Part 2

Carrying on from the previous post here are the elaboration of the last 4 verse by Jesus on the Cross.

4) "Eloi, Eloi,[a] lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"Mathew 27:46. This has probably been one of personal favourite. There is something about these few words which has always been able to attract. First of all Eloi Eloi....sounds tacky and cool and above all these words sounds that of a desperate/defeated man and I guess some point of time in our life some of us might have such an experience of desperation. Nevertheless different people can have different views on the point and the speaker who was going to speak on them was a choir leader. I had great expectation from him and I bet he did justice to these words by his own interpretation. I have to ask for excuse if I am unable to reciprocate the same thing he said over here. Anyhow here is what he said: Imagine the scene the one who is the healer, the one who is the preacher the one who is loved by many...is hanging on the cross. The one who proclaims intimacy with his father is crying out. If this does not make an impact on our lives then probably we are too used to it. Probably then nothing would ruffle our feathers then. Sometimes in our life we feel meaninglessness, abandonment, unloved ....These feelings gets enhanced by the media , by the people around us, by the overall environment. Today we are living ripped apart from God. Before death this becomes the deepest identification. It is said that Mother Teresa also felt forsakeness from God. Christ forsakeness reaches deep into our own.Sinlessness forsake the sinful creature. Greatest deed is what Christ did on the cross. So has He reached deep into our hearts to be more specific have we allowed Him that special place

5) Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." John 19:28. Meditation on these words were taken by a lady who along with one other lady maintains decorum/discipline in church during the time of communion. Her was the most impressive content which I was struggling to keep pace with. I will anyhow try to remember as much I can. The meditation undertaken went something like this Were they the words uttered by a desperate man. definitely not....Only cries of the disciples penetrated the slumber..The only thing flying higher were the doves...Thirst refers to physical thirst...These were words of humanity in divinity...Why did He endure thirst was it amazing love...was it amazing grace...Its spiritual dimension is the fulfilling of the old testament prophecy. John 4:34 Jesus thirst to fulfill His fathers work. Greek word used for fulfill means to complete. He thirsted for reunion with His father. Imagine God and the two on his two side. His heart thirst to save you and me. Why did not everyone was able to see that He was the Messiah. Probably because they were not thirsty. The one who thirst is the giver of living water. Irony of an empty soul is that it is perpetually dissatisfied. It shifts from one thing to another. A dry soul would be the one which does not know what it is missing. Whereas the satisfied soul knows who is God and goes to that thirst quencher. Are we in constant relationship with God? Do we thirst for Him. John:7:14 If anyone is thirsty come to me and drink

6) When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30. This was taken by another lady. Her content was also well formed but it seemed it was not coming naturally to her still her content did draw attention which I was unable to ignore. Still the things I remember I will pen down. He was caught, beaten and crucified. spiritually battered and physically broken on the cross. This was a cry of triumph on the cross. He had accomplished what he had come to do. The sense was of accomplishment can be guaged in five different ways (i) All prophesies were accomplished in just one man, Jesus. It was finished in Him. (ii) All forms of sacrifices were abolished because He sacrificing Himself on the cross. (iii) God justice were met. Full atonement had been made. The wages of sin was fulfilled forever and the ransom paid in full. (iv) The power of satan, sin and death were destroyed. (v) He ratified the eternal covenant i.e. God the Father, God the son and God the Holy spirit. Eternity passed and the son of God willingly submitted himself to the father to pave the path of cross. So question which should be asked by us the strength of the response we establish between us and God

7) Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. Luke 23:46. This was taken by Reverend H. Mathews and I am sorry to say that I am not a big fan of his sermon at least in English. I lose his context and meaning more often than not. This is what I think he said. If we relive the same form of hardship as Jesus did on the cross what will be our reaction. These versus re-emphasize the trust of Jesus in his father. Elaborates the kind of faith we need to live in. (Jewish) mother often tell their children to pray these versus as prayer which shows the closeness of relationship. The presence of the father always accompanied Jesus. What is required by us is to delight in Lord and he will take care of all our needs. Sorry as i said I always drift a lot in his sermon.

This is it guys that was what I heard and probably understood on the 23rd of March KMC's Good Friday service.

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