Friday, December 15, 2006


Still alive in Bangalore. Not an over exaggerated concept but with each passing day I am realizing that this is slowly becoming the weird fact of my life. With only a few friends ,bangalore traffic and a lot and lots of idle time has not been able to help make the situation better. Having used to the concept of enjoying each and every moment in IIT, the graveyard like silence of bangalore is deafining. I live in a great locality having great houses but where the hell are the people. The only voices are ours (me n 3 of my frens living together in a 3bhk) echoing day in and day out. Oh and the time is like the biggest enemy of mine. The only hope was to have my work stand out as a shining armor but unfortunately my great expectation from this IT industry turned out to be too disappointing. The only hope I have is that I am an exception.

One thought which keeps on recurring is that Bangalore and its people are same as those of the city described by Camu in "The Plague". Depressing but each day I hope I am wrong. The formidable opponent to these thoughts were the positives created by Robin Sharma's The Monk who sold His Ferrari. But the aperture is getting smaller day by day..

A soul on an island but not a drop of water to drink

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