Monday, September 08, 2008

Rock On !!!!

Couldn't agree more or couldn't disagree less with what has already written by this guy

But what to do as what I am and who I am, have to put in my own crappy take. And my take is more so dependent upon the ever random thoughts originating from planet Mars.

Go to a pub which plays rock, leave out the alcohol and ciggies and force people to sit in the chair, and thats "rock on" to me. No not in a bad way, but absolutely and whole heartedly along enjoyable line. Amazing movie with no great stand out performance as such, but how many Indian movies have rocking tune and songs and music because it should be there. Not many and I thoroughly enjoyed the music.

One tune which probably is not so famous or infamous among the multitudes of amazing songs in this movie is "Zehriley Saap". But I tell you after attending so many rock gigs and competitions its not so bad after all. Although lyrics may be a little on the funnier side but hey can you tell me does lyrics of System of Down has any meaning.

Not much to say which has already been said in millions of reviews already except that this movie did encourage some of friends to revive their forgotten love for strumming. So "ROCK ON" :)

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