I have finally realized that it was not the pastor but me. I slept to my hearts content the previous night and found his sermon not so boring. Now I can definitely make peace with the notion that there is something wrong with his delivery. In fact his content is even more appealing.
A small story of a hymn was also mentioned today. "Blessed Assurance" was written by a blind person. What it signifies that even in disability this person was able to see the promise in the Lord.
Another thing worth mentioning is the soulful rendition by Joshua and one lady. Even though I am writing the post after such a long time their voice still rings in my ear.
The reading was taken from Mark 4:26-32
We always desire to grow and rise to greater heights. If we are not growing then we are static, stagnant leading to unhappiness.
In the parable their is an imagery of a seed with the kingdom of God. It talks about the growth of the seed referring to the growth of the kingdom of God. Another parable about wheat refers to the separation in the kingdom of God. Another parable talks about spreading of the kingdom of God.
People came and asked that why do Jesus talk in parables. He replies that kingdom of God is so mysterious that you won't understand it without simplification.
There is a secret growth of the kingdom of God as emphasized in the imagery via seed in the parable. Farmer sows and forgets but the seed grows with the farmer returning at the time of harvest. It is God who brings the fruit for the farmer. Similarly the kingdom grows under the eyes of God
Through intervention, involvement, participation of God something small can be transformed into something big. We may spend our life to achieve something big but we may not succeed due to the absence of God's involvement, as we do not desire his involvement...
In the scripture we see so many lives although being small in stature and grandeur was transformed to heights of greatness, David in old testament is such an example.
In new testament we see that Jesus feeds so many with so little in quantity. When sometimes we think that we are not worthy so much to do the work of God but God has a purpose for us and makes work in different ways.
No one thought that cross is something great questioning the very of a God being crucified. But for others cross is where we get our salvation from. Throughout his life Jesus humbleness was making Him the savior of the world.
We may think that we do not have that much ability, think oneself to be small in various aspects, but God will deliver us from smallness we may feel of. We may be in despair, poverty, hunger, smallness but when Jesus works continuously in our life then He brings great joy, comfort and the potential within us to make us greater in our life. We just need to plant the seed. Unless we sow the seed we won't get fruit. Although it may be a small seed but it will grow using the power within us. Likewise in the fields of family, society, friends, church; we have to sow the seed of God so that it can grow and do miracles. Sometimes we may sow the seed of evil. Satan encourages us in doing so. So we need to be careful and watchful.
God causes seed to grow. We may decide to lead a particular kind of life to achieve greatness but it is quite possible that we might fail. This happens due to our dependence on other things than God. We need to make an effort with God and allow the seed to grow. God works in us to help us grow in the kingdom of God.
Some one said that "Do what you do thoroughly, pray over it heartily and leave the result to God." When we do that God works in our life.
A story widely used to encourage young people. There was an emperor. In the absence of any child he thought of entrusting his kingdom to one among the youths. He called upon every young person in his kingdom. He said that "I will give you all one seed each, take it, plant it and come back after a year". A young man took the seed and went home. He took care of it. As time passed by all those who had taken the seed was confident but not this guy. He was not happy as his plant was not growing. After a year every one who had taken the seed brought their plants to the king's court for judgment. But this guy was sad as his plant had not grown and did not know what to do. His mother then told him to be honest. So he took whatever he had to the king. Every body else seeing his plant made fun of him. King arrived and was happy to see so many well developed plant. He noticed this young man's pot which was empty. On seeing that he exclaimed "Behold this person is your future king" Every one was surprised. The king explained "the seed give to each one you was such that it would have never grown. Everybody except this guy was dishonest and had used their own seed"
God has given us the seed. Many times we struggle to make it grow. We put our own seed to portray that the seed has grown. But we need to grow using the seed which God has given us. But if the seed fails to grow we need to be honest and as God for its purpose. We need to accept the kingdom of God with all honesty and sincerity and then God will take us from smallness to heights of glory.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dark topic to my post. Indeed it is. I cannot argue with that. I was reading an interesting booklet (WatchTower). Although I read only a few pages but still it compelled me reproduce some of it over here in my blog.
Grief can effect us in various ways, but for many the overriding feeling is of immense emotional pain. Grief can be intense. Grief can visit in various forms. Nobody is untouched by the concept of grief, so I feel I need not reproduce examples to back my statement. But the question which haunts me is that is it possible to come out of it.
Just as severe physical wounds takes time to heal, so it is with bereavement. Recovering from grief may take months, a few years or even longer. But the acute pain one may feel in the beginning will lessen in time, and life would seem less bleak and meaningless.
Grief is said to be necessary part of healing process and it helps us in learning to adapt to the new situation. It may prove itself to be a necessary emotional release. And every individual grieves differently
Talking, writing, shopping, music, in fact anything could be useful. Just the requirement is to find oneself with the best compatible source of release. Which mind you is not easy.
Somewhere it is written by a pained soul "My soul certainly feels a loathing towards my life. I will give vent to my concern about myself. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul".
Wow what an expression of expressing the desire for the release. I am glad that I came across this meaningful expression which makes me feel its not so bad after all to glorify ones grief in the pursuit of an ever distant peace.
Well I cannot summarize this post or give it a proper conclusion cause I don't know how. I have been disabled by my conflicting thoughts and immense thoughts of nothingness but nonetheless I unashamedly take your leave and leave it to you to make some sense out of this rambling.
Grief can effect us in various ways, but for many the overriding feeling is of immense emotional pain. Grief can be intense. Grief can visit in various forms. Nobody is untouched by the concept of grief, so I feel I need not reproduce examples to back my statement. But the question which haunts me is that is it possible to come out of it.
Just as severe physical wounds takes time to heal, so it is with bereavement. Recovering from grief may take months, a few years or even longer. But the acute pain one may feel in the beginning will lessen in time, and life would seem less bleak and meaningless.
Grief is said to be necessary part of healing process and it helps us in learning to adapt to the new situation. It may prove itself to be a necessary emotional release. And every individual grieves differently
Talking, writing, shopping, music, in fact anything could be useful. Just the requirement is to find oneself with the best compatible source of release. Which mind you is not easy.
Somewhere it is written by a pained soul "My soul certainly feels a loathing towards my life. I will give vent to my concern about myself. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul".
Wow what an expression of expressing the desire for the release. I am glad that I came across this meaningful expression which makes me feel its not so bad after all to glorify ones grief in the pursuit of an ever distant peace.
Well I cannot summarize this post or give it a proper conclusion cause I don't know how. I have been disabled by my conflicting thoughts and immense thoughts of nothingness but nonetheless I unashamedly take your leave and leave it to you to make some sense out of this rambling.
Quote : Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias : "I am absolutely convinced that meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure"
The pleasures which gave so much meaning to life does not seem to work anymore. Is what Ravi Zacharias says true?
The pleasures which gave so much meaning to life does not seem to work anymore. Is what Ravi Zacharias says true?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Debugging .sh in eclipse using external tools
Lets say X has been using eclipse for a while. He has been working on a project and he is delivering. He has been developing and debugging using an ide called eclipse which has taken him away from the system. Now he feel the need to go closer to the system. He writes build scripts, he makes the project as configurable as possible and makes the project IDE independent and linux/unix friendly. In the process he creates shell scripts. Now with time the codes got enhanced with lesser reliability on IDE. After a while he comes back and find to his amusement well now he is to code and inevitably debug. Now he is in a fix how to debug in eclipse (the concept he is so familiar with) the shell scripts which in turn calls bits and pieces of the rest of the code base(in java). Here is the way out for him.
Create Program in external tool. select sh ,select workspace and set all
the env var in env which are required to run that shell script. Some of the changes which I did was this. These changes are specific to user requirement
change in ENV
export CATALINA_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export INDEX_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export REPORTS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export USER_PROFILER_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
and create debug for this port,localhost in remote app debug
After this set break point in your code base using which one can debug.
Create Program in external tool. select sh ,select workspace and set all
the env var in env which are required to run that shell script. Some of the changes which I did was this. These changes are specific to user requirement
change in ENV
export CATALINA_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export INDEX_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export REPORTS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
export USER_PROFILER_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m -Djava.compiler=none -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,address=16123"
and create debug for this port,localhost in remote app debug
After this set break point in your code base using which one can debug.
Debugging remotely on tomcat using eclipse
Debugging was, is and always be one of the most potent tool in the hands of a developer. With most of the development exposed to me is in java. In spite of all my dislike to make it user friendly somehow in the end you have to make a web app out of it. Now if one is lucky then one might be writing code from scratch but most of the time its not the case. With companies following iterative policy of development some time or the other one will have to work on a monstrous code base. Now me being a fan of eclipse IDE will also like to debug on that. But one funny problem may happen in setting up the debugger in eclipse when your java web app is running remotely. In the sense you have your open in eclipse as a project but you run your web app directly from tomcat by making changes in tomcat config (server.xml) file. So debug under such a kind of scenario here are the steps
The steps below is for linux/unix m/c.
To debug the first step is to make sure that tomcat allows debugging:
1) Open your startup.sh
2) Add these two lines in the beginning which specifies debug on port
8000(This port could be different from the port you have exposed in
server.xml for your application)
export JPDA_ADDRESS=8000
export JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
3) Change the execute line at the end to include jpda start
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" jpda start "$@"
Now start your tomcat. It will now allow debugging.
Allowing debugging is not enough. You should also be able to use the facility which you have allowed. Now there are various tools which could allow us to do it. I use eclipse so here are the steps to debug via eclipse.
1) Goto Run->Open Debug Dialog
2) Single-click the heading "Remote Java Application", then press the new
button (looks like a page with a plus on it).
3) On the dialog that appears, enter a meaningful name (like "<Your_ProjectName>(remote)" for this configuration).
4) From the same dialog, change to the "Source" tab, then click "Add".
5) On the dialog that appears, single-click "Java Project", then click
6) On the dialog that appears, click "<Your_ProjectName>" (or check the projects
you wish to import), then click "OK".
7) Now click the "Connect" tab and un check the box marked "Allow termination of remote JVM". Do not check allow termination of remove VM. As each time you terminate the
debugging,the server will also be shutdown which you might not like.
8) Type in localhost (or the host you have mentioned in server.xml )in
Host Text Box
9) Type in 8000 (the port mentioned in tomcat startup.sh) in the Port
10) Click "Apply" to save your changes.
11) Click "Debug" to start testing your configuration
12) Add breakpoints in your application
13) Open your browser and work with <Your_Project< until you reach your breakpoint. You should be directed into Eclipse where you will see the line of code with your breakpoint, a list of variables, etc., etc. And then you can gain knowledge about the flow and behavior of the code base
The steps below is for linux/unix m/c.
To debug the first step is to make sure that tomcat allows debugging:
1) Open your startup.sh
2) Add these two lines in the beginning which specifies debug on port
8000(This port could be different from the port you have exposed in
server.xml for your application)
export JPDA_ADDRESS=8000
export JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
3) Change the execute line at the end to include jpda start
exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" jpda start "$@"
Now start your tomcat. It will now allow debugging.
Allowing debugging is not enough. You should also be able to use the facility which you have allowed. Now there are various tools which could allow us to do it. I use eclipse so here are the steps to debug via eclipse.
1) Goto Run->Open Debug Dialog
2) Single-click the heading "Remote Java Application", then press the new
button (looks like a page with a plus on it).
3) On the dialog that appears, enter a meaningful name (like "<Your_ProjectName>(remote)" for this configuration).
4) From the same dialog, change to the "Source" tab, then click "Add".
5) On the dialog that appears, single-click "Java Project", then click
6) On the dialog that appears, click "<Your_ProjectName>" (or check the projects
you wish to import), then click "OK".
7) Now click the "Connect" tab and un check the box marked "Allow termination of remote JVM". Do not check allow termination of remove VM. As each time you terminate the
debugging,the server will also be shutdown which you might not like.
8) Type in localhost (or the host you have mentioned in server.xml )in
Host Text Box
9) Type in 8000 (the port mentioned in tomcat startup.sh) in the Port
10) Click "Apply" to save your changes.
11) Click "Debug" to start testing your configuration
12) Add breakpoints in your application
13) Open your browser and work with <Your_Project< until you reach your breakpoint. You should be directed into Eclipse where you will see the line of code with your breakpoint, a list of variables, etc., etc. And then you can gain knowledge about the flow and behavior of the code base
WebService Client over https (Note: https not http) using Eclipse
All those users who have been spoiled by the amazing eclipse (which includes me) will be even more amazed that the scenario described by me has already not been taken care of by eclipse. Well as there is already a plugin for creating the whole code base of web service client by just giving in the url of the concerned web service. But then there is a problem if the web service has been exposed on Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer. In simple words the url is https not http. Given such a scenario the plugin will not be able to generate the client code.
But as lazy I am, I would still like my client code to be auto generated. So here are the steps via which I was able to do it.
Firefox User(other browser user look for ways to get the certificate)
Download Cert Viewer Plus from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1964/
Restart firefox
Go to the url where the web service has been exposed https://www.xxxx/xxxx.asmx
Accept the certificate permanently which the browser will ask for acceptance
Go to Tools -> Certficate Manager. Go to Websites tab
Select your concerned site and export and save to some
Then type in the following command
keytool -import -alias -file
Actually you should go to your jdk.../gre/lib/security folder
For me it was c:/j2sdk1.4.2_16/jre/lib/security
and type in
keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias -file /
After doing this now you can let the eclipse do the magic for you and create your web service client code base even for those secured services
Well I am learning the art of outsourcing. Right, I am limited to outsourcing my work to my IDE. Oh technology ...Oh technology !! makes a man/woman inherently an out-sourcer so why there is so much hullabaloo over it.
But as lazy I am, I would still like my client code to be auto generated. So here are the steps via which I was able to do it.
Firefox User(other browser user look for ways to get the certificate)
Download Cert Viewer Plus from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1964/
Restart firefox
Go to the url where the web service has been exposed https://www.xxxx/xxxx.asmx
Accept the certificate permanently which the browser will ask for acceptance
Go to Tools -> Certficate Manager. Go to Websites tab
Select your concerned site and export and save to some
Then type in the following command
keytool -import -alias
Actually you should go to your jdk.../gre/lib/security folder
For me it was c:/j2sdk1.4.2_16/jre/lib/security
and type in
keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias
After doing this now you can let the eclipse do the magic for you and create your web service client code base even for those secured services
Well I am learning the art of outsourcing. Right, I am limited to outsourcing my work to my IDE. Oh technology ...Oh technology !! makes a man/woman inherently an out-sourcer so why there is so much hullabaloo over it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Quote : Sir Winston Churchill
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations :Sir Winston Churchill
Now I know...Now I know...why I like reading quotes...Now I know
Now I know...Now I know...why I like reading quotes...Now I know
Monday, June 16, 2008
UIMA Hadoop
Wow complex topic to my post. Yeah this is what I have been working on lately. And I have been struggling hard with it. Killing forums for answers which I don't find in the web. Strange but its true there are still some things unavailable in the web. In the process of seeking answers I have somehow managed to educate myself. And whats even more surprising the answer which I was seeking was good enough to be put in their wiki. And what more the content was delivered by me as I somehow managed to get to the solution taking half inputs from all the places. Well why am I writing about this. Its not to brag but because I want to keep the solution for myself and more over because this is probably my first ever contribution of any form to an open source project and for the community. So here is the solution which I posted along with the link to the wiki
Running UIMA Apps on Hadoop
And here goes the original content. Who knows who may edit it.
To make a simple UIMA app work over hadoop
1. You have tested hadoop and you have it running
2. You have a standalone UIMA app which has been tested
How TO
1. Let the UIMA be a simple nameAnnotation example which uses a type system nameType for name annotation. Let the descriptors for them be nameAnnotator.xml and nameType.xml.
2. Write a map and reduce classes within the application along with a job specifier.
3. Via these map/reduce class you aim to annotate the input value which they are recieving
4. Create a job jar out of the application.
5. Run this over hadoop
It will not work. There are several other things which has to be taken care of before
Important Consideration (Before creating/running the Job Jar over hadoop)
1. The jar file created should shave all the classes, descriptors of the UIMA app along with the map/reduce and job main class
2. All import in the descriptor declared in UIMA (be it analysis engine, agg engine, cas consumer etc) should be import by name.
3. Any such activity which involves reading of a resource should be done using the Classloader:
For eg. Reading an xml source should be done via XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream
(aeXmlDescriptor),null) i.e. inputstreams should be created using classloader
4. Last but not the least ResourceManager should be used while producing any analysis engine/ cas consumer etc.
E.g. ResourceManager rMng=UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
rMng.setExtensionClassPath(str, true); //Here str is the path to any of the resources which can be obtained via
aEngine = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine
This 4th point has to be considered as when we read a xml without using classloader by default it reads from temp task directory i.e..
But all the resources gets unjarred in
So to tell the system to look out for hadoop in the correct directory we have to use Resource Manager. Actually this is required to take care of the the resources which UIMA will try to load because of the imports present in its various descriptors
Running UIMA Apps on Hadoop
And here goes the original content. Who knows who may edit it.
To make a simple UIMA app work over hadoop
1. You have tested hadoop and you have it running
2. You have a standalone UIMA app which has been tested
How TO
1. Let the UIMA be a simple nameAnnotation example which uses a type system nameType for name annotation. Let the descriptors for them be nameAnnotator.xml and nameType.xml.
2. Write a map and reduce classes within the application along with a job specifier.
3. Via these map/reduce class you aim to annotate the input value which they are recieving
4. Create a job jar out of the application.
5. Run this over hadoop
It will not work. There are several other things which has to be taken care of before
Important Consideration (Before creating/running the Job Jar over hadoop)
1. The jar file created should shave all the classes, descriptors of the UIMA app along with the map/reduce and job main class
2. All import in the descriptor declared in UIMA (be it analysis engine, agg engine, cas consumer etc) should be import by name.
3. Any such activity which involves reading of a resource should be done using the Classloader:
For eg. Reading an xml source should be done via XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream
(aeXmlDescriptor),null) i.e. inputstreams should be created using classloader
4. Last but not the least ResourceManager should be used while producing any analysis engine/ cas consumer etc.
E.g. ResourceManager rMng=UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
rMng.setExtensionClassPath(str, true); //Here str is the path to any of the resources which can be obtained via
aEngine = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine
This 4th point has to be considered as when we read a xml without using classloader by default it reads from temp task directory i.e..
But all the resources gets unjarred in
So to tell the system to look out for hadoop in the correct directory we have to use Resource Manager. Actually this is required to take care of the the resources which UIMA will try to load because of the imports present in its various descriptors
Friday, June 13, 2008
Quote : William Shakespeare
How my achievements mock me! : William Shakespeare
Achievements or not, everything mocks me
Achievements or not, everything mocks me
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
SMS this to that SMS that to this
Mobile Phones. A commodity without which I am unable even to imagine how our fathers and fore-fathers use to live. I have tried imagining and failed to do so. With ever increasing user base sometimes do you have a feeling that unwanted things have started to happen more. Those unwanted phone calls with a bunch of unwanted sms's. Truly speaking some may find it annoying but I don't. Unfortunately the people who send it have a sick sense of humor. Every time they manage to send these sms's and make calls exactly during those time when I don't want it to. Still my patience hasn't given up and I am able look at the bright side i.e. they make me sometime feel important and not so alone.
Wow it seems I am really lonely and desperate!!.
God give these people all the blessings in the world. And thankfully these people don't know want kind of handset I have. Or they do not know how mobile unsavvy I am in spite of currently in a firm which works quite a bit within the mobile domain. I guess this is the only time I am thankful of my blog being not so popular otherwise they would definitely stop calling me after reading this confession of mine.
Moving on have you ever received sms's which tells you to text some thing back to a particular number and you can win something. Or text something to know your future (yeah I agree strange cocktail of modernity (mobile phones) and medieval beliefs(future,horoscope)). Or text something to check compatibility with some other person.
What do I do with these. I think I do what everyone does, I delete them. Good fingering exercise. But this is where I got it wrong. Since these kind of messages never stop and is ever increasing in their diversity. It must be making some business sense. Somebody must be replying. Not only somebody but I guess there are plenty who must be replying. A billion in population, only a few percentage makes huge number.
Why am I telling you this. Because finally I succumbed to their tireless effort. All these days I tried to be elusive but in one moment of weakness I yielded to my curiosity. Even though the results I got will not ensure my loyalty as a user but it certainly was worth every rupee of premium charges spent on the sms. To be more precise, it was hilarious.
Let me just reproduce some of the replies which I got. There was one which asked to sms my name and get to know my future or something like that. And the reply was:
You are witty and creative. You have a positive frame of mind and are very inspiring and big hearted. When your feelings are hurt you withdraw into a shell but your cheerful nature pulls you through. Be careful, lest you lapse into depression and cynicism.
Yes yes...all you who know me can laugh...As I said before it is hilarious ...where do they drive out the results from...If tomorrow I change my name to some Barak Obama will my fortune and character change. I guess it will. May be I should do that. Keep smsing till I get the best character description and change my name. All those who are getting influenced please try and tell me whether it worked or not.
Another one of the service was to sms name of you and your partner and it checks for compatibility. I had to sms two words only (probably a combo of my first name and my love interests first name). But now as dumb I am, I sms'ed 4 words, my full name and the other's full name. (Later on tried the correct way too but the results are not so funny to be disclosed...You know sometimes I am an emotional fool to be not so candid). So the result of the wrong sms was that it found compatibility with my first name 'Rohan' and my last name 'Rai'. So here goes the reply.
Rating 8.5. rohan your love for rai is rated as 8.5 out of 10. Your love is so pure and true that it is most probably used as an example amongst many of your friends. There are non selfish interest involved in any form in you for your partner. With little effort your love can change from being on the verge of to really escalating to the next level of unconditional love. You should be happy to have experienced something like this. Just set aside your worries and enjoy this blissful relationship
Didn't I have said it twice already this gonna be hilarious.
For me it seems that Rohan is truly, madly, deeply in love with Rai and loving it
After reading this I really need to find a girl named 'Rai'. Wow their goes my chance of getting paired.
What can I say in the end their are ways sick humor (he he) is always lurking in corner to give you a surprise. Be there be technology or no technology. All you have to do is to seek earnestly
Wow it seems I am really lonely and desperate!!.
God give these people all the blessings in the world. And thankfully these people don't know want kind of handset I have. Or they do not know how mobile unsavvy I am in spite of currently in a firm which works quite a bit within the mobile domain. I guess this is the only time I am thankful of my blog being not so popular otherwise they would definitely stop calling me after reading this confession of mine.
Moving on have you ever received sms's which tells you to text some thing back to a particular number and you can win something. Or text something to know your future (yeah I agree strange cocktail of modernity (mobile phones) and medieval beliefs(future,horoscope)). Or text something to check compatibility with some other person.
What do I do with these. I think I do what everyone does, I delete them. Good fingering exercise. But this is where I got it wrong. Since these kind of messages never stop and is ever increasing in their diversity. It must be making some business sense. Somebody must be replying. Not only somebody but I guess there are plenty who must be replying. A billion in population, only a few percentage makes huge number.
Why am I telling you this. Because finally I succumbed to their tireless effort. All these days I tried to be elusive but in one moment of weakness I yielded to my curiosity. Even though the results I got will not ensure my loyalty as a user but it certainly was worth every rupee of premium charges spent on the sms. To be more precise, it was hilarious.
Let me just reproduce some of the replies which I got. There was one which asked to sms my name and get to know my future or something like that. And the reply was:
You are witty and creative. You have a positive frame of mind and are very inspiring and big hearted. When your feelings are hurt you withdraw into a shell but your cheerful nature pulls you through. Be careful, lest you lapse into depression and cynicism.
Yes yes...all you who know me can laugh...As I said before it is hilarious ...where do they drive out the results from...If tomorrow I change my name to some Barak Obama will my fortune and character change. I guess it will. May be I should do that. Keep smsing till I get the best character description and change my name. All those who are getting influenced please try and tell me whether it worked or not.
Another one of the service was to sms name of you and your partner and it checks for compatibility. I had to sms two words only (probably a combo of my first name and my love interests first name). But now as dumb I am, I sms'ed 4 words, my full name and the other's full name. (Later on tried the correct way too but the results are not so funny to be disclosed...You know sometimes I am an emotional fool to be not so candid). So the result of the wrong sms was that it found compatibility with my first name 'Rohan' and my last name 'Rai'. So here goes the reply.
Rating 8.5. rohan your love for rai is rated as 8.5 out of 10. Your love is so pure and true that it is most probably used as an example amongst many of your friends. There are non selfish interest involved in any form in you for your partner. With little effort your love can change from being on the verge of to really escalating to the next level of unconditional love. You should be happy to have experienced something like this. Just set aside your worries and enjoy this blissful relationship
Didn't I have said it twice already this gonna be hilarious.
For me it seems that Rohan is truly, madly, deeply in love with Rai and loving it
After reading this I really need to find a girl named 'Rai'. Wow their goes my chance of getting paired.
What can I say in the end their are ways sick humor (he he) is always lurking in corner to give you a surprise. Be there be technology or no technology. All you have to do is to seek earnestly
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Quote : Jonathan Winters
Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others : Jonathan Winters
Or most of the things, in fact all of the things are more unlikely.
Or most of the things, in fact all of the things are more unlikely.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Quote : James Thurber
I used to wake up at 4 A.M. and start sneezing, sometimes for five hours. I tried to find out what sort of allergy I had but finally came to the conclusion that it must be an allergy to consciousness : James Thurber
Now I know at least one person in the chain via whom this allergy got passed on to me :D
Now I know at least one person in the chain via whom this allergy got passed on to me :D
Quote : Sam Levenson
You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself : Sam Levenson
Well with all the wisdom of the world I still believe in making them myself.
Well with all the wisdom of the world I still believe in making them myself.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Wild Life (The Rat)
One fine day when the rats and us use to live together I had the opportunity to capture them in my camera. Here are the two pics which I managed of the fidgety little creatures. Actually it seems that this guy knew I would click it, so it came out in the open, posed and then it went back the same route via which it had come. Now, when we have sealed all possible routes of its visit, I would not like to say that I miss them a lot but Life's use to be interesting. It was a different creepy feeling altogether when they use to come and fiddle with my feet before scaring me out of the bed at night. Eating half of our things, and of course their taste was quite varied. From the cooked food, to the uncooked ration, or the clothes in our cupboard having equal appetite for both the new and the old. I remember our different failed mission in collaboration with our cook or all on our own to get back our house from them. Well what to say in the country where I live they make their entry in each and every house some how. Since childhood I have seen man against this tiny creature having the ability to instill fear in many a people 100 times their size. So with circumspect we use to live each day but I think we have finally won by sealing all possible entry points. But looking back I sometimes do find those times funny, in fact very funny.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
1/6/2008: Koramangala Methodist Church: Theme: Gods Kingdom: Speaker: Pastor Andrew
One thing I noticed this day that in the absence of my hair band, open hair makes me look out of the place. Anyways without wasting too many words here is the sermon for this day
Reading: St. Mathew 3:1-12
The gospel contiuously speak about the kingdon of God. What is kingdom of God? It is the dynamic rule of God,.... The kingdom of God does not belong belong to a particular tribe. Mathew speaks 50 times, Mark 14, Luke 39 and John 5 times about the kingdom of God. In the passage John came preaching aout the kingdon of God. Three important things we can carry on in our spiritual life; preaching of John the baptist, life of John the baptist and purpose of john the baptist.
God was faithfull to the people of Israel. He brought them to the promise land. Wilderness is a place of revelation. It is also a place for testing.Gods kingdom is based out of the place of wilderness. We may undergo wilderness i our own life( life of hostility ) but God gives us the promise to show the way from wilderness. We need to turn arouno and face the reality of kingdom of God. John tells us about repentance in order to enter kingdom of God. We often tend to change externally but resist any change internally and in our own private life. John talks about judgement. We like to here goody message which gives comfort to us but in the absence of genuine repentance we are to be judged like everyone else.
A tree that does not bear good fruit is bound to be cut down by the axe and thrown to fire. We as Christians are the tree and via the axe (a symbol of authority) , will be judged for the absence of fruit. John the baptist dressed peculiarly which denoted his poverty and was dependent on God in his wilderness. He ate and dress within the things which were available to him. But even in poverty he was committed towards God's purpose. We spend so much time towards improving our lifestyle that its desire gets closer towards greed leading to gluttony. It is important for us to realize that we are God's people and thus should be content with what God has given to us.
John 1:19-23: People are confused who is He. He then replies that he is not Christ, Elijah or any prophet. He replies that he is the voice of the wilderness who comes to prepare the way of the Lord. Who are we? How we define our own identity? Many people are caught in bothering about what are others saying about them. Our identity should come from the relationship we have with Lord Jesus. Pupose of John which he had in his life was clear to him that he had come to prepare the way of the Lord. Likewise we should also prepare the way of the Lord by our deeds, our bearings,....We should prepare the way for the second coming of Jesus. We should move out of the way, lower the resistance and allow God to work in us. John 3:30. He says that "He must increase but I must decrease". That is the way we make the way for the kingdom of God for its coming. We should be humble to allow Lord to prosper in our life . Mathew 11:11 He who is humble is greater
Reading: St. Mathew 3:1-12
The gospel contiuously speak about the kingdon of God. What is kingdom of God? It is the dynamic rule of God,.... The kingdom of God does not belong belong to a particular tribe. Mathew speaks 50 times, Mark 14, Luke 39 and John 5 times about the kingdom of God. In the passage John came preaching aout the kingdon of God. Three important things we can carry on in our spiritual life; preaching of John the baptist, life of John the baptist and purpose of john the baptist.
God was faithfull to the people of Israel. He brought them to the promise land. Wilderness is a place of revelation. It is also a place for testing.Gods kingdom is based out of the place of wilderness. We may undergo wilderness i our own life( life of hostility ) but God gives us the promise to show the way from wilderness. We need to turn arouno and face the reality of kingdom of God. John tells us about repentance in order to enter kingdom of God. We often tend to change externally but resist any change internally and in our own private life. John talks about judgement. We like to here goody message which gives comfort to us but in the absence of genuine repentance we are to be judged like everyone else.
A tree that does not bear good fruit is bound to be cut down by the axe and thrown to fire. We as Christians are the tree and via the axe (a symbol of authority) , will be judged for the absence of fruit. John the baptist dressed peculiarly which denoted his poverty and was dependent on God in his wilderness. He ate and dress within the things which were available to him. But even in poverty he was committed towards God's purpose. We spend so much time towards improving our lifestyle that its desire gets closer towards greed leading to gluttony. It is important for us to realize that we are God's people and thus should be content with what God has given to us.
John 1:19-23: People are confused who is He. He then replies that he is not Christ, Elijah or any prophet. He replies that he is the voice of the wilderness who comes to prepare the way of the Lord. Who are we? How we define our own identity? Many people are caught in bothering about what are others saying about them. Our identity should come from the relationship we have with Lord Jesus. Pupose of John which he had in his life was clear to him that he had come to prepare the way of the Lord. Likewise we should also prepare the way of the Lord by our deeds, our bearings,....We should prepare the way for the second coming of Jesus. We should move out of the way, lower the resistance and allow God to work in us. John 3:30. He says that "He must increase but I must decrease". That is the way we make the way for the kingdom of God for its coming. We should be humble to allow Lord to prosper in our life . Mathew 11:11 He who is humble is greater
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Quote : Philip K. Dick
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”:Philip K. Dick quotes
The world would have been a better place if it was otherwise
The world would have been a better place if it was otherwise
Quote : Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child I spake as a child : Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:11.
Then I became an adult and started speaking as an adult. Was it good or bad I will always wonder but in the end nature took its own course.
Then I became an adult and started speaking as an adult. Was it good or bad I will always wonder but in the end nature took its own course.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tu rootha to Main ro dungi Sanam
After working my ass off for a few minutes with google, I was finally able to get hold of the lyrics of this song. Strange is the level of frustration when I don't get the required result in a single search. I guess as a google user I am becoming more demanding. A typical peppy number from 80's having no out of the box quality to move you. But it has the simplicity and compatibility with your ears because of the easy flow of its tune which can hook you on. The same goes for its lyrics. Somewhere I read that Asha Bhosle was 50 years old when she gave her voice to this song for a 18 year old girl (Haven't verified the fact though). Assuming this to be true, it makes me appreciate the song even more. Was not successful in obtaining its video from youtube but vtap.com did give me something to cheer
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
le legi jaan meri
teri naaraazagi
jis mein tu kush rahe
meri us mein kushi
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
ho teri ye saadagi
ye bholaapan tera
mera nasib hai
khilta joban tera
meri bahaar tu
mera qaraar tu
masti se bhar diya
tune jivan mera
tu meri hai
main tera huun sanam
pagali hai kya
hans de zara
chupke se bol de
dil mein jo baat hai
ab koyi dar nahin
apni har raat hai
apna ye pyaar bhi
pooja se kam nahin
mujhko ye naaz hai
tu mere saath hai
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
tu meri hai
main tera hun sanam
pagali hai kya
hans de zara
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
le legi jaan meri
teri naaraazagi
jis mein tu kush rahe
meri us mein kushi
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
ho teri ye saadagi
ye bholaapan tera
mera nasib hai
khilta joban tera
meri bahaar tu
mera qaraar tu
masti se bhar diya
tune jivan mera
tu meri hai
main tera huun sanam
pagali hai kya
hans de zara
chupke se bol de
dil mein jo baat hai
ab koyi dar nahin
apni har raat hai
apna ye pyaar bhi
pooja se kam nahin
mujhko ye naaz hai
tu mere saath hai
tu rootha to main ro dungi sanam
aaja meri baahon mein aa
tu meri hai
main tera hun sanam
pagali hai kya
hans de zara
Monday, June 02, 2008
If some one tells me that there is too much nudity in my blog. I would say Hey close your eyes if you don't like it. Woman's body is an ultimate challenge for me as a novice sketcher. Also, they form one of the most interesting and beautiful subject. And this girl personifies attitude. Try looking out for the original somewhere in the net if you are not convinced by my copying skills.

Purity (Original is even better)
This was one of the sketches I saw in world wide web as the rest of my sketches. I liked it too much so here is an attempt.

Huffing and puffing and jogging away to good health. I have tried to renew this medieval activity of mine and have failed miserably in doing so. So I thought why not relive it via my sketch

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