Tuesday, June 04, 2013

So Much Time == So Less Time

As I lived the first official day of my second attempt at the entrepreneur journey, ironically it has given me time to reflect instead of taking it way.  The only difference I find is time flies faster than expected but I could independently choose what to do with the limited number of hours available. I get the feeling I have been unable to create enough but at the same time concentrate on lifestyle which is considered to be good like working on physical standing, reading for  intellectual and creative thinking and to spend cherish-able time with friends and family - idea-ting, discussing, enjoying. The same kind of freedom was somehow absent from my day to day life reclaiming which gives so much amount of good vibes is something which was being underplayed considerably by me. The conversion of so called work into daily fun is something unexpected but hoped and seeing it materialize into that is amazing. Hopefully these so called positive outlook remains so and keeps on increasing forever and ever. Suddenly I feel that this journey is highly recommendable and hopefully more people shall be able to experience it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.