Monday, May 06, 2013

Freedom = Bill Payments

Day after day as my thoughts evolve in the world of start ups I wonder I have heard so many great ideas by so many interesting people why they never managed to hit the floor. Besides the characteristics of an entrepreneur which probably gets applied world wide, India suffers from one peculiar or not so peculiar problem. The problem of getting my bills paid. As the sea of innovative thinkers come from a background having a tricky concept of financial stability, most of us are just too afraid as the problem of bills is too tricky a problem to tackle as and when innovative thoughts kick in. Would it be easier had this problem not existed I don't know as contrarily most innovative thinking comes during time of downturns. This kind oof a push and pull is baffling but only if Bill Payment was taken care of, the freedom which most seek and because of which most gets delayed, would have been obtained, and probably then Indian start up space would have been a lot different


Ivory said...

i'm having this problem. There is so much i want to do, but problem is i won't be getting paid for it, not for a long time that is. It's really hard to chose between a job that feeds you and a job that is SO good for the soul like interning until your better established in a firm.

Rohan Rai said...

Ivory , very well said . Its kind of stupid but I guess thats how the practical world works