Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Paperwork - The Potential Opportunity

For some random reason human beings have created a psychotic obsessive fascination on paperwork. Since machines are an offshoot human imagination, it has also been well taught to generate more and more data. Was the ability to pass on stories orally an art form lost amidst the fear of losing historical civilisations. The tendency not to learn from others mistake is as natural as the animal instinct of territorial ism and fornication. We as a race have obsessed ourselves to perfection in curbing instinctive reaction with the release morphed into acceptable definition. Control is a seductive power driven us to blindness disregarding the basic essence of freedom. And all of these results in what , but of course, more and more data, more and more paperwork. Strangely all of them is an offshoot of some basic definitive tautology presented in a complicated form. Wouldn't  it be nice to have automated the very notion in order to box ourself in a very basic instinct of laziness.

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