Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Everybody’s A Racist

Yes my friend's. The topic of my post may draw several criticism from the world which tries to be politically correct. It may receive strong opposition from people claiming to prove otherwise. But I claim give me a person and a few days with him/her I can prove that the person is racist is one form or the other. The reason for writing about this is a simple harmless incident which happened last weekend. The incident was all in good humour but I grabbed it as an opportunity to write my new post especially during the time when I was in search for things to write about. The incident goes on like this. My elder sister actually my friends sister but I have been at the receiving end of her words of wisdom (gaalian :) ) for so long that I feel she is more of my own bigger bossy demanding but cute and protective sister. In between she has got a new hairstyle which makes her look her sexiest best since the time I have known her. If ever she come across this post my apologies cause I know what will happen after reading this post of mine. You guessed it right a little more of her words of wisdom which by the way will always be welcomed. Coming back to the incident, one funny morning she brought her hand close to mine and starting comparing the skin colour and started laughing. My immediate reaction was to accuse her of being a racist. What could I have done when I am not with the skin colour on the lighter side. The scene created by me was to my satisfaction but when I was recalling and amusing myself by pondering over this incident, the question which flashed across my mind was "Is everybody a racist?". After debating for a while with myself I came to this conclusion that actually everyone is a racist. So I am penning down the thought process which led me to this conclusion.

Since the term itself is highly controversial and hotly debated I started looking for the definition of this word. When I googled “define:racist” various definitions popped up but the one liked most and the one which I think covers the widespread application of this word was the one given in wikipedia . The definition goes like this “Racism has many different definitions. Historically, it has been defined as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities, that a certain race is inherently superior or inferior to others, and/or that individuals should be treated differently according to their racial designation. Sometimes racism means beliefs, practices, and institutions that discriminate against people based on their perceived or ascribed race…”. Because of the definition mentioned above which conforms with the notion I have, I was able to conclude that indeed everyone is a racist. Let me elaborate a little more with the few examples which I still have in my mind. For examples I won’t go back to history which can prove the existence of racism beyond any doubt but will draw out inferences from present and that too from a normal human’s life. To completely appreciate the logic which I am going to mention a person has to have an open mind. Let me start of by stating the fact that everyone likes beautiful things. No matter where you go, no matter which walk of life you belong to, you are bound to like the thing which makes you feel good, you are bound to like the thing which looks good and even if you may not actually dislike the thing which is not beautiful but any given day if you have a choice you are bound to favour the one which is good looking. A lady will always be preferred to a man because of course she is better looking. Even among the ladies you are bound to give higher priority to those who look the best. Haven’t you seen a girl surrounded by guys willing to do anything for her. Now let us move on to kids, isn’t it true that a better looking kid is more often than not given more appreciation along with love for the little thing he/she may do. The same doing which may be proved annoying by some is overlooked for some. Having said enough about ladies and kids shall we move on closer home. Aren’t we all as human beings suppose to be bounded by the concept of brotherhood or sisterhood? Then why we give our own family members more priority than any one else. No matter what happens we prefer to see our own kid, our own blood to move higher in this competitive world. Under such circumstances where does the concept of equality vanishes. Some of us may have the habit of boasting about the ability to judge a person in the first meeting itself. Looking on the other side aren’t those decisions and inferences influenced by the way that person looks and carries him/herself. Differentiation based on skin colour has been widely documented in history. If this is so wrong then why there is such a rush to become of fairer skin. If you contest this idea I counter by telling you to look at television. Sit an evening in front of television then you will realize the number of beauty products which is their in the market. Is it just because that fairer skin has been ruling the world for so long or there is a reason which is much more darker and sinister, the truth which we prefer not to acknowledge. Isn’t it because of the fact that somewhere at the back of our mind we have accepted the ruling classes and dream of becoming as one of them. Moving on to prevailing caste system in India. How often do you hear discrimination based on caste system in the land of Gandhi. Even if we ignore the discrimination part how can we ignore the fact that half of our friends in love struggle to get married because of the different caste they belong. Now you may say it’s the family member belonging to medieval periods who resist. Even then I say that how many of them had the courage to revolt and take a stand. Remaining just a spectator in the game in which they should have been involved makes them a person who accepts the concept of this form of discrimination. Moving on to the rich and the powerful. Is it not true that person with richness and more power draw out more respect and awe automatically from the society. Isn’t it true that we pride ourselves in saluting such personalities even though their might be no reason for you to be close to that person and know him/her well enough. Isn’t it true that no matter how well educated a person may be the dowry system still prevails and the rich and well educated is embracing it. An IAS officer value in marriage market is an example in itself. Aren’t discriminations based on gender, looks, caste, colour, money, power all form a part of a racist society. I am not saying that I do not belong to that society. But the question which I would like to raise is it just because of the freedom we have today we have become too comfortable. Shouldn’t we as a responsible human being should carry on the struggle for freedom which should get defined differently under the new darkness which have clouded the minds and hearts of today. Shouldn’t their be a Gandhi or Martin Luthur King Jr in the hearts of everyone. Haven’t they done enough to teach us the horrors of racism or do we require another breakdown of the society to teach us the lesson.

I may go on and on giving examples of discrimination in one form or the other but what is the point when even I don’t know how corrupted I am by the evil of racism. All I could say actions done by me is because of the choices I have made and only thing I could do is pray and hope that it is the right thing to do. But the thing which Martin Luthur King Jr said in his famous “I have a dream ” speech keeps on coming back to me again and again in its skewed form relevant for me and probably relevant and significant for everyone. I have a dream that one day I will live in a nation where I will not be judged by the colour of my skin or my look, but by the content of my character.


Unknown said...

my dear though people might say things like comaring skin color n laugh about it but if u look dee down its u as person, ur character n not ur looks or color that make u so likable and most saught after..atleast for me...would always love to spend time with u widout any limits irrespective of ur color n looks

Rohan Rai said...

well u have really been digging my blog of late...nice to see so many comments from u...well if not color then caste, if not caste then place of birth, if not that then my gender, if not gender then something..we as humans will always find something or the other...