Wednesday, December 14, 2011

S3 / Linux

Here are the instructions to use s3cmd tool to access and upload data to your bucket on Amazon S3:

·         Uncompress the file using the cmd: tar zxf s3cmd-1.0.1.tar.gz
·         Go inside the directory: cd s3cmd-1.0.1
·         First time configure it: ./s3cmd –configure
o   Supply the values: access key, secret key
s3cmd mb s3://my-new-bucket-name (To Create Bucket)
·         Run the command to list the contents of your bucket: ./s3cmd ls s3://yourbucket
·         Put (write/deposit) a file as; ./s3cmd put <localfilename> s3://yourbucket/<remote-folder-optional>/<remote-file-name>
·         Make sure there are no additional ‘/’ – because the S3 does not optimize them to single one.

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